Modern Finite Element Technologies 2019

Bad Honnef, 01 - 03 July 2019


mfet2017-6The scope of the ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Modern Finite Element Technologies is to provide a platform for the presentation of the international scientific research on novel and advanced finite element technologies. Numerical simulation techniques are an essential component for the construction, design and optimisation of cutting-edge technologies as for example innovative products, new materials as well as medical-technical applications and production processes.
These important developments pose great demands on quality, reliability and capability of numerical methods, which are used for the simulation of these complex problems. Challenges are for example capture of incompressibility, anisotropy and discontinuities. Existing computer-based solution methods often provide approximations which cannot guarantee substantial, absolutely necessary stability criteria respectively fulfill them. Especially in the field of geometrical and material non-linearity such uncertainties appear. The MFET Conference focuses on novel approaches for reliable simulation techniques in solid mechanics, especially in the development of non-standard discretization methods, mechanical and mathematical analysis.

The conference topics are (not limited to):

Mixed and hybrid finite elements
Discontinuous Galerkin methods
Isogeometric elements
Immersed-boundary methods
Least-squares finite elements
Virtual elements
Stochastic finite element methods
Phase Field techniques